When you realize that it’s time to begin thinking about home care services for a loved one, such as a parent or even a grandparent, there are a few things that you need to take into consideration.  When you process the information in a healthy and constructive manner, it will make acceptance of the situation easier and more effective for everyone involved.

  1. Understand what in home health care services offer.  If you only have a vague idea about what type of services that these care providers offer, then you’re going to find it difficult to convince your elderly loved one that it’s the best option for them.  Gather as much information about home care services and if there is something that you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask.  It’s better to ask a question than to have no information to relay to your family and loved ones.
  2. What level of care does your elderly loved one require?  Every person is different, and that means just because your mother is 85 and her best friend, who is also 85 receives around the clock care, that doesn’t mean that your mother does, too.  Make an honest and accurate assessment about your loved one’s ability to manage his or her care in a safe and healthy way, and if the doctors are recommending a certain level of home care, take that into consideration as well.
  3. Respect the wishes of your loved one.  It’s too easy to get caught up in the desire to keep your elderly loved one safe, and sometimes you can accept too much responsibility for the decision making process.  Step back and make sure that you’re listening to their wishes and not just your own.
  4. How involved will you be with home care services?  If you don’t live close to your loved one, then you’re probably going to rely on an in home care provider to assist with whatever your loved one needs.  Don’t make promises you can’t keep, or overestimate your contribution of time and effort; you will only be cheating your loved one who needs the care.
  5. Know the difference between an agency placed in home care provider and an independent contractor. There are significant differences between the two, so if you don’t fully understand the difference, it’s important that you do before you begin your search.


Once you have a handle on these important factors, you’ll be able to broach the subject of home care services in an honest, open, and effective manner with your loved one.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from home care services in Walnut Creek CA, contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 933-8181 for more information.