Time is the one constant in the entire universe.  Sure, Einstein stated that is was the speed of light, but it’s really just time, and time marches on.  When your loved ones reach a certain age, such as their seventies, you may be more curious about your family roots, your ancestry.  If you don’t know your full lineage, then it’s a good idea to spend some time working on it now, while you can ask questions and while your elderly loved one can recall.  Building a family tree can be a great home care services activity.

While you may not have the time to help out, that doesn’t mean you can’t be involved with it.  You can simply make this suggestion to the in home care provider as something that they can work on.  Even though you may be hundreds or even thousands of miles away, you may still need to be involved in some manner.

Send the in home care provider any information that you can in order to help them get the basics.  You can set up an account with one of the major websites that help people discover where their family comes from, or send a list of names, birthdates, and relationships to your loved one and the caregiver.

If you have photographs, or you know where your loved one has a box of them, you can suggest that they go through them and begin to write down (on the back of them, for example) who is in the picture, where it was taken, and approximately what year. This will give other members of your family a great opportunity to go through them when they feel like, even fifty years in the future, and have some connection to the people in those pictures.

The pictures can also help connect a family tree as well.  While you don’t need to have a layout that actually looks like a tree in the beginning (and this isn’t recommended because too often trees expand far beyond the paper or poster board), you should make sure to write down as much information as possible about each individual within the family’s history.

You may discover, and your loved one may find surprises as well, about history within your family that is worth passing down from generation to generation.  This can be a great activity for your elderly loved one to do with home care services.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from home care services in Lafayette CA, contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 933-8181 for more information.