The word can conjure up a host of negative images and thoughts.  Cancer.  When you hear that word, what are your thoughts?  Most people know at least one person who has been diagnosed with some form of cancer or another in their lifetime.  When it affects someone close to you, it can change a lot of aspects about your life as well as your relationship with that individual.

Cancer is one of the most common diseases for elderly individuals, so when your loved one is receiving elder care, they may be battling, or have already battled cancer in their life, or know someone who did.  There are some things that you can do to help someone who is facing this type of diagnosis and who already has some limitations in their life (that warranted) elderly health care.

The first and most important thing to do is to remain positive.  That can be a challenge, no matter who you are, or what your normal temperament is like.  You may believe that everything is going to be fine, but when you hear that your loved one has cancer, you may have your doubts.

As long as your loved one has been giving a fighting chance by his or her doctor, then you need to be as positive as you can be.  There are stages to grief and dealing with this kind of diagnosis, and it’s important to allow your loved one the opportunity to work through them on his or her own, in their own time as well.  Don’t try to force them to think the way you do, and don’t talk about the odds or the procedures that they may opt to do.

Also, if your elderly loved one has decided to not attempt chemotherapy or radiation treatment, but they would rather enjoy the rest of the time that they have with you, step back and put yourself in their shoes.  At their age, perhaps they feel as though they’ve lived a good, long life and they don’t want to suffer for their remaining time here trying to fight this cancer.

You don’t have to agree with them, of course, and you can certainly express your feelings about this with them, but be sure to respect their feelings, not as a reflection on you and your relationship with them, but because they have earned that right through a life of hard work, love, and dedication.

If you have any concerns about cancer, speak to their elder care provider; he or she may be able to provide certain insight that could help you see things from a different perspective.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from elderly  care in San Ramon CA, contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 933-8181 for more information.