Caregiving for a senior loved one, although very rewarding, also can bring along with it a high degree of stress. The day-and-night pressure of meeting a family member’s needs can rapidly escalate to create caregiver burnout – a dangerous condition that often results in a loss of patience and in emotional outbursts, affecting not merely the caregiver herself, but her senior loved one as well.


It’s essential to ascertain if you may be in danger of developing caregiver burnout, and to find support if needed. The quick questionnaire from our Walnut Creek home care team below will help uncover if you’ve crossed the line from caregiver stress to caregiver burnout:

  • Can you no longer find pleasure in enjoyable activities or interests?
  • Are you struggling with back pain, headaches, fatigue, and/or feeling blue or depressed?
  • Have you been becoming sick more regularly than in the past?
  • Is your temper shorter recently, either with your loved ones in private or perhaps in public?
  • Have you lashed out at your senior loved one when he or she has exhibited challenging behaviors?
  • Do you feel more emotional lately? Have you been crying for little or no reason?
  • Have you gained or lost weight without trying?
  • Have you been having troubles with falling or staying asleep?


Should your answers to the above questions cause concern, it could be time to think about seeking help, for both yourself and your family member.

At Hillendale, our fully trained and qualified caregivers can share the burden through home respite care services – whether for a couple hours every week or full-time, 24-hour care, providing a much-needed break to take care of your needs, enjoy some downtime to relax, and also to help you be better equipped to provide the best quality care for the one you love.


To learn more about home care assistance Walnut Creek and the surrounding areas trust, contact Hillendale at 925-933-8181 or contact us online. Partnering with our expert caregiving team means you’re never alone!