If you are caring for a loved one who has been diagnosed with COPD, you probably know that outdoor air pollutants can aggravate symptoms. However, did you realize that poor air quality in the home can also be troublesome? Purifying the air at home can help everyone breathe easier and be more comfortable.

Keep the following air purifying home tips in mind:

  • No Smoking! Don’t smoke or allow others to smoke in the home. If there is a fireplace in the home, be aware that it can also be a source of irritation for COPD patients.
  • Reduce Exposure to Chemicals. Household chemicals like paints and cleaning products can aggravate COPD symptoms, so reduce the use of harsh chemicals and keep lids on cleaning products tightly closed when not in use. There are also healthier cleaning alternatives such as baking soda and vinegar that can be considered.
  • Cut Down on Dust. Wash bed linens weekly, remove clutter, and keep pets off furniture in order to minimize dust.
  • Filter Your Air. Install an indoor air filtration system and make sure it has a HEPA filter. Though area pollution isn’t as bad in some rural areas as it is inside the city, you can still certainly benefit from filtering your air and getting rid of any potential pollutants or toxins.
  • Sweep the Floors. Keeping the floors clean cuts down on dust and allergen buildup. Keep in mind that hardwood floors are easier to maintain in an allergen-free state than carpets.
  • Use a Humidifier. Dry air from your home’s heating system can exacerbate COPD symptoms, as can air that is too moist. Around 40% humidity inside the home is typically ideal for someone with COPD.


COPD sufferers can breathe easier with the help of Hillendale’s professional caregivers and our home care program that addresses:

  • Education about COPD disease management
  • Exercise to improve symptoms
  • Nutrition and dietary counseling
  • Psychosocial support
  • Skills to best cope with symptoms


Our specially trained care team will first determine individual service needs and then develop a coordinated care plan in conjunction with a client’s medical providers. Call Hillendale today at 925-933-8181 to learn more about the ways in-home care can help.