Being a family caregiver is a great responsibility.  For many people, it’s also a great honor.  Yet there are a number of factors that need to be taken into account when you’re caring for an elderly loved one.  Some of these concerns, if not addressed, or if they are ignored, can directly impact the quality of care as well as the relationship itself.

Take the time to look over some of these common concerns that relate to providing home care for a loved one, and see if they could be affecting you or someone you know.

  1. No boundaries have been set.  When you are looking after a parent, for example, then you may not think to establish any boundaries with him or her.  You live close enough to them and assume the role of caregiver without a second thought. Yet the more that you do for them, the more they may expect.  As soon as possible, establish boundaries, such as what your limits are as far as care is concerned and what they can call you about in the middle of the night, or at work, or early in the morning, and so on.
  2. Uncertainty about what is needed.  While you may know that your mother is weak and is recovering from surgery, do you know what she needs as far as care?  If not, then how can you expect to be the best caregiver for her?  If you don’t fully understand what is required, then you either need to learn as soon as possible, or you should consider hiring a professional home care provider.
  3. What other families are thinking.  Depending on the internal dynamics of your family, you may find that some of your siblings, or other family members are resentful of the care you’re giving to your loved one.  This could be based on simple jealousy, or it could be something more deeply rooted.  If you’re worried about how other members of the family might feel about this arrangement, talk to them about it.  Let them know that now is the time to address any concerns, not later.
  4. Fear of the unknown.  You don’t know what tomorrow will bring, and if you have a busy schedule already in your life, then you may find it difficult to avoid the added stress of being a family caregiver.  If you feel as though you’re being overwhelmed with this responsibility, its time to seriously consider hiring an outside experienced home care provider.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from caregiving services in Danville CA, contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 933-8181 for more information.