When you have a loved one who is recovering from a major illness, surgery, heart attack, stroke, or other ailment, the one thing that you want is to be able to help them reduce hospital readmission rates.  Of course, you may not think about their improving health in those terms, but it’s one of the best ways to focus on doing what is best for them in the long-term.

When you reduce hospital readmission rates, one thing that also goes along with that is the invariable truth that your loved one’s health will be improving as a result.  Whether your loved one is recovering from a heart attack, pneumonia, stroke, surgery, or other condition, the more you know about elder care in Berkeley and surrounding communities, the more you’ll be able to help them reduce hospital readmission rates.

  1. Pay attention to medical recommendations.  One of the most common things that people do when they are trying to recover from an illness, or injury that left them in the hospital is to ignore certain recommendations of their primary doctor.  They think that they can do what they want, that they’re stronger than the doctor gives them credit for, and so on.  Make sure that your loved one doesn’t overdo it when they return home.  If you have any concerns or worry that your loved one may try to do too much, hire professional elder care in the Berkeley area to give them the support that they need.
  2. Make sure the patient gets plenty of rest.  Few people want to be treated like a patient, but the reality is that anyone who has been discharged from the hospital to recover at home is still a patient.  One of the most common aspects of home recovery is that the patient should get plenty of rest.  If your loved one doesn’t get enough rest, they won’t allow their body to fully recover.
  3. Ask questions.  If you aren’t sure about certain medications, or things that the doctor recommended that your loved one do, then you should make sure that you ask questions.  Don’t make assumptions; because something is not done, or a prescription isn’t filled, this could have negative consequences on the health, and wellbeing of your loved one.


The more you know about the proper care that someone should receive at home, the more you’ll be able to help them reduce hospital readmission rates and have improved health as soon as possible.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from Berkeley area elder care, contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 933-8181 for more information. For a full list of all of the communities where we provide care, please visit our Service Area page.