We feel better when we eat better. The two are invariably connected. The old saying that we are what we eat bears a lot of truth. Caregivers in the elderly home care profession dedicate their time and energy to the care of their aging adults. Family caregivers work almost tirelessly for the benefit of their aging loved ones. All these caregivers could use a boost of feeling better every now and then!


 Eat hummus.

  • Chickpeas have lignans that help to protect against breast cancer and colon cancer, as well as several other types of cancer.
  • High lignan content is also found in lentils, flax seeds and beans. Aim for about half a cup and eat them several times a week.


Use ketchup as a condiment.

  • Ketchup is rich in lycopene
  • Helps to prevent blood from clotting
  • Helps protect against prostate and other types of cancer
  • Also good sources are red grapefruit, watermelon and red peppers


Eat whole foods.

  • Whole foods don’t come with a label. That’s an easy way to tell.
  • Example: a banana doesn’t have a contents label, but a package of potato chips does.
  • Processed foods contain unhealthy fats and lots of sugars.
  • Nuts and fruits are good for snacking.


Eat cruciferous vegetables

  • They contain compounds that help to protect the heart and other organs from hormonal changes
  • Broccoli, kale, cauliflower and cabbage


Take daily doses of vitamin D

  • It helps with increasing longevity
  • Protects bones from osteoporosis as a person ages
  • Get some from sun exposure (be careful)
  • Use supplements if necessary
  • Don’t sun-bathe during peak sun hours


Eat turmeric

  • Found in curry powder and popular in Indian food
  • Helps protect against rheumatoid arthritis
  • Helps protect against Alzheimer’s disease
  • Possibly helps protect against cancer and heart disease


Eat your greens

  • Especially spinach, which has a rich source of lutein
  • Antioxidants that protect against macular degeneration
  • Also eat eggs, corn, zucchini, broccoli, romaine lettuce



  • People who are happy live up to 14% longer
  • Frowning leaves frown lines in the face


Try some sardines

  • Rich in omega-3 fats
  • Lower inflammation
  • Keep skin looking smooth and feeling supple
  • Contain fewer toxins than the large fatty fish



  • Protect your bones
  • Dietary calcium available from dark leafy greens, sesame seeds, sardines (bones included), broccoli and moderate dairy.
  • Other bone protectors include vitamin D and K.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from the help of elder care services in Moraga, CA contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 948-8280 for more information.