Elder care in Pleasanton and the nearby communities is a service provided by a person to help your elderly parents perform everyday tasks, while continuing to live in their home. The caretaker is usually not a medical professional, but many states require a license to provide this service. Below are some signs that your elderly loved one may need some help around the house. The extra help may be needed every day or just a few days a week.


Signs that Elder Care is Needed

  • Uncertainty and confusion when performing familiar tasks that used to be easy for them to perform.
  • There is a noticeable decline in personal grooming habits. Hair is unkempt, infrequent bathing or showering, wearing wrinkled or soiled clothing, and no longer applying any make-up.
  • Difficulty with getting up from a seated position. This could be a sign of arthritis, or some other condition causing flexibility problems of the knee, hips, or arms.
  • Difficulty with walking, balance, and overall mobility.
  • Spoiled food in the refrigerator that doesn’t get thrown away.
  • Clutter, and unopened mail in a house that used to be immaculate. This could be from mobility problems, or forgetfulness.
  • Dirty laundry piling up instead of being washed, and put away.
  • Late payment notices, bounced checks, and calls from bill collectors due to either forgetfulness or the inability to write due to a condition like arthritis.
  • Unexplained sudden loss in weight due to poor diet, or not eating regularly. A loss in appetite could be a sign of a more serious health problem.
  • Signs of dementia or the early signs of the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. This would be things like not recognizing you, or close friends who visit.
  • Forgetting to take prescribed medications, or taking more or less of the required dose. This can be especially dangerous if the medication is for a chronic illness like hypertension.
  • Loss of interest in hobbies, or activities that your parent used to enjoy. This could be from a lack of energy due to not eating regularly, or chronic pain due to a condition like arthritis.


Your loved one may insist that they don’t need any help around the house. They may also insist that they are quite capable of taking care of themselves. They may try to make excuses like they weren’t feeling well the week before and didn’t feel up to house work. It is up to you to monitor the situation and determine if your elderly parent requires some help.

If you have a loved one who could benefit from elder care in Pleasanton, contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 933-8181 for more information. For a full list of all of the communities where we provide care, please visit our Service Area page.