Staying social can be a challenge for older adults, especially those who are homebound or have limited mobility. The good news is that, as the internet, computers, tablets, and smartphones have become more prevalent than ever, the ability to keep seniors connected has greatly improved. Social media allows seniors to stay in touch with loved ones from the comfort of their own homes. Learn about the benefits of social media for seniors below:

  1. Keeps families close and connected: Often seniors wish they heard more often from their loved ones. Facebook has become a good way to keep up with family and friends on a more frequent basis, and it helps deepen relationships by stimulating more frequent conversations between the generations. Skype is another good platform for older adults, allowing online video conversations with loved ones near or far.
  2. Enhances wellbeing: Older adults who don’t live close to family or who are isolated most of the day are at an increased risk for depression. Research from Dr. Shelia Cotten, a sociologist and associate professor from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, revealed that regular internet use was associated with a 30 percent decrease in symptoms of depression among older adults, while other studies have shown similarly impressive results.
  3. Provides the ability to share memories: Sharing fond memories and photos is now easier than ever through social media. Pictures can be shared via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and virtually all other social networks. This allows grandparents to see photos of their grandchildren moments after they are taken, helping them to feel connected to them even if they are far away.
  4. Creates a sense of community and belonging: Being part of a community can be very important for homebound older adults. Social media provides the opportunity to have and be a friend, to congregate without leaving the house, and to never have to feel alone.


While some seniors might need some training on how to use the platforms, social media for seniors can have incredible benefits when it comes to social health. At Hillendale Home Care, providers of quality in home care Concord and the surrounding areas need, we’re happy to help your senior loved one access and learn to use social media as a way to stay in touch with loved ones. Contact us today to learn more about our in-home care services and the many ways we can improve social wellness for your loved one.