How much activity does your in-home care include on a daily basis?

At Hillendale Home Care in the San Francisco Bay area, we believe that enhancing adult home care services with rewarding activities is a key component to providing the best client experience. Hillendale is one of the leading California adult home care services providers. That’s because we believe our clients should be honored with enriching activities that engage them and keep them involved in getting the most out of life on a daily basis. This means customizing activities to engage our clients’ individual interests, hobbies, and ability level.

Our spirit-centered care begins with discovering as much about the care recipient’s preferences, dislikes, dreams, hobbies and personal history as possible. We get to know the client with an interview that includes other family members if desired. Questions that may be asked include “If you had 15-30 minutes of free time, what would you like to do?” Or, “Is it meaningful for you to work in the yard or watch the sunset or do light housework?”

What are some benefits of enrichment activities for seniors?

  • Alleviate boredom and lack of motivation
  • Boost self-confidence and a sense of independence
  • Renew or enhance a sense of purpose and meaning to life
  • Temporarily recover lost memories
  • Regain physical abilities
  • Create a sense of wellbeing for those with a chronic illness


Successfully enhancing our clients’ daily experiences means not only tailoring their activities to meet their individual preferences and tastes, but also making sure that their daily routine has some variation. This means that on a certain day we may focus on activities that are designed to enhance their creative spirit with a simple but meaningful craft making project. On another day the focus may be on simply having fun with a board game or taking a short walk in the neighborhood. Ultimately, our adult home care services will be crafted to make sure their individual needs are our most important priority.


Hillendale is a California home care company where enriching our clients’ daily lives and maximizing their independence are central parts of our mission. Our assisted living home care services are designed not only to support our clients’ physical needs, but to enhance their everyday experiences. Contact Hillendale Home Care to learn more about our client centered care.