After all, a professional in-home caregiver will be spending a considerable amount of time in the home with your aging loved one, and contributing to care and assistance in various facets of his or her life.

Depending on your loved one’s physical and cognitive needs, the care provider you choose may help get him or her get out of bed in the morning, as well as assisting with bathing, feeding, grooming, and taking care of various other Activities of Daily Living that will ensure your aging loved one enjoys the highest quality of life possible.

As you can imagine, it can be intimidating for a senior to consider having a new caregiver enter the home. For many, the thought of a care provider means that their independence and freedom will be taken away from them. For others, it is a matter of dignity and privacy. They do not like the idea of a stranger helping them with sensitive activities. Whatever the reason your aging loved one is reluctant to have home health care, make sure that you choose the right provider to help ease this anxiety and get the most benefit from the relationship.

When it comes to choosing a care provider, there are many ways that you can “custom design” the caregiver. Of course, this does not mean that you are going to actually change any prospective caregivers into something that they are not, but it does mean that you can determine the characteristics of the ideal caregiver and search for those characteristics among providers.

When determining what characteristics would be ideal for your aging loved one’s care provider, you may find yourself delving into areas that make you a bit uncomfortable. It is important to realize, however, that even though considering sensitive characteristics of another person such as whether your aging loved one would prefer to have a male or female caregiver, if there is a religious preference, or even if your loved one would prefer an older caregiver as opposed to a younger caregiver may seem shallow and inappropriate, it is important to keep these preferences in mind. Your aging loved one likely does not have these preferences arbitrarily, therefore if you want him to get the most out of the relationship with the caregiver, you should choose one that fits in with the “type” that makes him most comfortable.

Being specific about the type of caregiver that you want for your aging loved one can also make it easier and faster to find the appropriate caregiver. When you contact the senior care agency there may be dozens of available caregivers. Being able to pair down the options will help the agency select one that will best fit your loved one’s needs. Remember, however, that there are some characteristics that you are not allowed to ask about. For example, you cannot demand a caregiver tell you her religious preference or political affiliation when making a hiring decision.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from the help at home, contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. Our award-winning home health care in Danville and nearby communities helps seniors and their families with many levels of home care services. Call (925) 948-8280 for more information.