You may feel awkward about money issues when it comes to the senior decisions that you make for your aging loved one. Many people think that it is shallow or short sighted to apply thoughts of finances into important considerations such as your care, but if you are a caregiver for an aging loved one considering implementing home care services or any other form of senior care, it is absolutely essential that the financial implications of such care are an important part of your planning process.

When planning the implementation of home care services for your aging loved one, it is important that you keep in mind how such a decision will impact your finances, as well as your aging loved one’s finances. These are considerations that need to be discussed prior to hiring a home care services companion as they will make a tremendous difference in the extent of the caregiver relationship.


Some of the important financial implications of care services that you will need to discuss with your aging loved one include:

  • Who will be responsible for paying the home care services companion?
  • Will you be expected to pay for expenses such as gas money for the home care provider?
  • Will you be expected to set up an expense account to pay for outings, activities or other needs?
  • Even if your aging loved one is paying for the services, will you be expected to take care of the actual logistics of paying for the services?

Some important tips to keep in mind are that different home care services agencies have different expectations regarding the financial responsibility is of the companion and the client family. For example, you may be expected by one agency to pay the care companion directly, and another agency may require that you pay the agency directly and they will then pay the home care services companion.

As for expenses, different agencies have different guidelines as to what the home care services companion is expected to pay for versus what the client family should provide. Contact the home care services agency in your area to discuss his financial obligations so that you can use the guidelines as a central part of the conversation you have with your aging loved one. It is often more effective to discuss concrete financial concepts rather than abstract ideas. Knowing exactly what types of expenses you should expect after hiring home care services will help you and your aging loved one determine who will be responsible for what, and what type of schedule is most appropriate for your situation.

If you have a loved one who could benefit from the help of home care services in San Ramon, CA contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 948-8280 for more information.