Falls among the elderly can have devastating effects, many times resulting in a chain reaction of health complications. In our last blog, we noted some home modifications that families can make in order to make the home safer for older loved ones. In addition to those home modifications, there are a number of products on the market that can help with preventing falls at home, including:

  • Door Alarms: If you have a loved one who tends to wander, particularly at night, door alarms can help alert you or a caregiver that your loved one is moving about and may be at risk of falling.
  • Monitoring Systems: Monitoring systems are becoming popular as a means of tracking an elderly individual’s movements at home. Sensors can be placed throughout the home to monitor movements and some even come with call functions for the senior to alert a caregiver in the event of a fall.
  • Fall Management Socks and Slippers: These are available with rubber grips on the bottom to help prevent slips and are perfect for seniors who are considered high-risk for falls. There are also slip resistant socks that can be worn in the shower.
  • Bedrails: Many falls occur during the night as seniors move in their sleep or get up during the night. Bedrails can keep seniors from falling out of bed and give them something to grip when standing to get out of bed.


For more information about home safety devices or home modifications that can keep your senior loved ones safe, contact the California senior care experts at Hillendale Home Care. Helping seniors stay safe, happy, and healthy at home is our top priority.