Emergencies happen when you’re least expecting them. For family caregivers, those emergencies tend to happen when we’re trying to juggle our already hectic daily lives – rushing to drop the kids at school, cooking dinner while trying to review homework, leading an important presentation at work, etc. Whether Mom’s had a fall in the home, a grandparent is wandering due to Alzheimer’s, or Dad, who probably shouldn’t be driving any more, has had a car accident, these issues can happen out of the blue and leave you scrambling and wondering, “What now?”

Don’t be caught unprepared when a care need presents. There are plenty of things you can do now to create a working plan for both long-term home care and emergency situations. First, talk to your senior loved ones and find out what their wishes are for long-term care. Ask questions like:

  • How will you know when it’s time to get assistance? What will that look like?
  • What finances are available for long-term care?
  • What will we do if a certain incident happens? (i.e. broken hip, death of spouse, can no longer drive, etc.)


If you are going to be responsible for your parents’ care, you’ll also need to keep these important documents handy, in a safe spot.

  • Birth certificate/adoption records
  • Marriage certificates
  • Divorce decrees
  • Death certificates
  • Military discharge
  • Advance directives (primary care physician, hospital, and individual should have copies)
  • Retirement and pension policies, including the names of beneficiaries
  • Insurance policies
  • Bank accounts and pass books


Gather other pertinent information now as well so you’re not scrambling to find it during an emergency, including:

  • Doctors’ names, addresses and phone numbers
  • Prescription and non-prescription medications taken
  • Social Security numbers, medical record numbers and military ID numbers
  • Friends, neighbors, and other informal support resource names, addresses and phone numbers


Caring for a loved one while juggling work, family, and other aspects of life can be challenging, but you’re not alone. Hillendale’s elder care in Walnut Creek, California and the surrounding areas can help family caregivers maintain balance and peace of mind, while ensuring that senior loved ones get the assistance and attention they need and deserve. Contact Hillendale Home Care at 925-933-8181 to learn more about our home care in Walnut Creek and the surrounding areas.