Monitoring glucose levels, checking and rechecking blood pressure, and keeping tabs on food consumed—these are just a few of the ongoing daily activities necessary to manage diabetes.

Effective diabetes care requires meticulous attention to care management—realizing that failing to follow the doctor’s recommendations can lead to serious risks, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and even diabetic coma. Thankfully, there are steps diabetics can take to lower the stress of care and remain healthy and well.


First and foremost, be aware of any barriers to care. Barriers to diabetes care management can include:

  • The need for more information and education on proper care for the disease
  • Staying away from situations that could interfere with a care schedule
  • Overcoming excuses related to getting sufficient exercise
  • Meal patterns that might be driven by emotions instead of hunger
  • Emotional concerns such as depression


Always accept help when offered. Loved ones and friends can provide the shoulder you need to lean on, and often want to help, but are unsure exactly what is needed. Let them know what would be most helpful to you, and graciously accept their assistance. A professional caregiver, such as those at Hillendale Home Care, is another great resource for those with diabetes, as they are specifically trained in diabetic care and can provide support and encouragement.

Recognize the additional benefits of good diabetes management. Proper care helps prevent diabetic complications, of course; but, if this alone is not enough to encourage you to stay on track, consider other benefits that would better influence quality care. For instance, good diabetes care improves agility, increases work productivity, and makes it easier to enjoy favorite pastimes and interests.

Have a plan in place. Having a planned, daily routine will help you to better manage your care. Remember to think through how that plan will be impacted if there are disruptions to your schedule.

Remain positive. Negative self-talk can lead to depression and helplessness, while positive self-talk will motivate you and create solutions. For example, rather than saying to yourself, “I can never manage my diabetes—I may as well just plan on having health problems,” try thinking, “I know I didn’t pay enough attention to my portion sizes at breakfast, and that’s why my blood sugar is high. Next time, I’ll think ahead and make better portion size choices, or cover with extra insulin if I eat more than I should.”


For more diabetes resources or assistance with effective diabetes care management right at home, contact the top provider of Danville in-home care and care in the surrounding areas at Hillendale Home Care. We provide a wide range of customized solutions for seniors that improve quality of life, comfort, and safety. Call us at 925-933-8181 to learn more.