Throughout the stages of our lives, our independence can mean very different things. Independence can come in significant stages, like moving out of your parents’ home or getting married, or less significant ones, like being able to complete tasks that had seemed insurmountable. As we age, independence takes on still another form – in the ability to continue to live at home safely and securely. The wish to remain at home is the top desire of the majority of seniors, despite their health or ability to function independently.

For adult children, taking care of aging parents at home can be challenging, with a wide range of physical, emotional and social concerns. And as time progresses, adult children often become increasingly involved in the everyday tasks this crucial role demands, which can lead older parents to lose vital independence and self-worth.

It’s easy to get caught up in the role of caregiver when the need arises. After all, your parents have done so much for you throughout your lifetime, and when they reach a point in their lives when they need extra help, it’s natural to want to do everything you can for them. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that, for most older adults, maintaining independence is a key component in their desire to age at home. While you certainly have the best of intentions, the natural progression can be to go from caring for aging parents to doing everything for them. And often, this type of well-meaning caregiving can have a negative effect on a senior’s self-sufficiency and sense of freedom.


As the caregiver for your parents, it’s important to promote senior independence and not take over. Our Pleasant Hill in-home care team knows that…

  • Independence makes it possible for seniors to continue contributing to the world around them, and to feel good about the impact they’re making
  • Being self-reliant provides seniors with a sense of fulfillment and purpose, which is crucial during their later years
  • Accomplishing tasks independently promotes ongoing and continuing self-sufficiency—if they can complete one task, they can certainly handle another!
  • Senior independence helps to overcome discouragement and feelings of uselessness, even throughout illness, injury and the overall difficulties of aging


Try to place yourself in your parents’ shoes. How would you feel if someone else took over tasks that you felt you were fully capable of managing? Letting your senior loved ones do things independently provides a sense of purpose and can help them feel self-assured. By engaging the professional services of those who specialize in home care services for seniors, such as the experts at Hillendale Homecare, you can help enhance your parents’ feelings of empowerment and ability to function effectively at home.


Our highly skilled care team provides a broad range of senior home care services, allowing your older loved ones to focus on what they can do, and helping them with tasks they would rather not do or now have a hard time completing. Our home care services can include anything from light housework and laundry, to meal preparation, help with personal care tasks, running errands, and so much more. By engaging the services of our staff to provide this type of care, both you and your parents can better work together to foster self-reliance, independence and an enhanced overall quality of life. Contact Hillendale Homecare, the top provider of Pleasant Hill in-home care and care throughout the surrounding areas, at 925-933-8181 to learn more.