The senior population of this country is growing rapidly. As the Baby Boomer generation reaches their senior years, it is important that society becomes more aware of the challenges facing seniors. This awareness is critical to ensure that seniors are provided the best care and assistance possible throughout the rest of their lives. Aging is not something that happens only to a few people. Unlike the various diseases and conditions that have been brought firmly into the public eye in recent years, aging is an issue that will impact the majority of the population. Being aware of the conditions and diseases that impact seniors, and banding together to explore the ways that these conditions and diseases can be managed, is the best way for everyone to take care of themselves and their loved ones into the future.

April 11, the birth date of the researcher who first identified the disease James Parkinson, came to be known as Parkinson’s Awareness Day several years ago. This day has since been expanded to include the entire month of April to give more opportunity for seniors with their disease and their family members to raise awareness for the disease. This month brings together the efforts of the National Parkinson Foundation, the European Parkinson’s Disease Association and individual researchers to raise awareness and funds for the future research of the disease in the hopes of finding more effective treatments and, eventually, a cure. In 2005 the various international organizations concerned with the disease chose the red tulip as the official symbol of the disease. Many families with loved ones suffering from the disease plant beds of these flowers in their lawns as a constant reminder of the need to educate the public and raise funds for the advancement of research into the disease and its management.

Senior care providers are encouraged to participate in the various activities hosted by Parkinson’s disease organization in an effort to learn more about the disease and the developments made in the fight against it. Awareness is the only way that we as a society will eventually overcome senior care issues such as Parkinson’s disease. We must come together to educate ourselves and others on the realities of the disease, debunk the myths associated with it, and proclaim our dedication to finding the cure that will change the lives of the thousands impacted by this disease each year.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from the help of senior care in Walnut Creek, CA contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call 925-933-8181 for more information.