Being a long-distance elder care provider has special considerations beyond just those of an elderly home care provider. Knowing that your aging loved one is in need of care but not being available to provide this care on a consistent basis can be stressful, but taking steps to make your long-distance elder care as effective as possible can help you to feel more confident about the health and well being of your aging loved one.

One way that you can make your elder care efforts as effective as possible is to make the most out of doctor’s appointments. Seniors generally visit the doctor more often than younger adults and all of the information and guidelines that are given during these visits can become confusing. Being present for these visits will help you to stay better informed and will help you to guide your loved one in managing his own health when you are not available. Here are some tips for making the most out of the doctor’s appointments that you attend with your loved one:


Be Informed

Before you even go to the doctor, educate yourself regarding the conditions that your loved one is coping with, current treatments, potential treatments and any possible complications. Create a list of concerns and questions so that you can be prepared for a productive conversation with the doctor.


Gain Formal Permission

Ask your loved one to sign a release form that gives you legal permission to discuss his elder care with the doctor. This form will allow you to make phone calls or even separate appointments with the doctor and discuss your loved one without his presence.


Be Prepared

Make sure that you have a list of all questions, concerns and observations ready before attending the appointment. Also bring with you a list of all prescriptions and over-the-counter medications that your loved one is taking. This is very important for seniors who visit several doctors who may not be aware of all of the medications that your loved one is taking.


Stay Quiet

Let your loved one talk for himself if at all possible. Don’t answer questions for him or make comments when the doctor is talking. When you are speaking, make sure that you are showing your loved one respect and not talking about him as though he is not in the room. Also be respectful of your loved one’s privacy and leave the room if he asks.


Stand Up for Him

If you feel as though you are being rushed, speak up. It is the doctor’s job to take care of your loved one and if you don’t feel as though he is getting the attention that he needs, make it known.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from the help of elder care services in Walnut Creek, CA contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 948-8280 for more information.