Is it possible to be a good family caregiver if you’re living a long distance from the person whom you’re supposed to take of? This is referred to as long distance caregiving and it is done every day all across the country. For the most part, people who are long distance caregivers do so for any number of reasons, but the primary one is that they are concerned for the safety and welfare of their loved one.

If you are considering whether you can offer the level of care that a loved one needs from a long distance away, then you should ask yourself the following questions.

  1. What level of care does your loved one need? As we age, our bodies begin to change and that means we may need more hands-on care. If your loved one has trouble getting out of bed, walking down the hall, or even bathing, then he or she will require a higher level of care. In that case, hiring a home care agency may be the best solution.
  2. Are you organized? If you are a highly organized person, then it’s easier to maintain communication and keep track of everything that is important with regard to being a long distance caregiver.
  3. Are you able to travel freely? Will you be able to travel when and where you need to at a moment’s notice? What if something happened to your loved one, such as a medical emergency? Could you get to him or her within a reasonable amount of time? This doesn’t mean that you’re going to fly across the country to help her get up from a fall, but if they need emergency services or are admitted to the hospital, would you be able to be there within a reasonable amount of time?
  4. Do you have a strong network of support near your loved one? Does your elderly loved one have friends and neighbors who could act as your eyes and ears ‘on the ground,’ so to speak? If not, then how are you going to be able to manage long distance care? You need someone who can check in on your loved one from time to time and if you can’t, then you need to find someone who will.


While you may want to be the caregiver to your aging loved one, it simply might not be reasonable without the right help. In-home caregivers in your loved one’s area are the solution that will offer an immediate, safer, and economical solution.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from hiring a caregiver in Walnut Creek, CA contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 933-8181 for more information.