Let’s face it: many of us delay going to the doctor’s office. It could be somewhat uncomfortable, and downright distressing when something is wrong and we’re facing the prospect of an undesirable diagnosis. Even so, we all know it makes sense to do what is most beneficial for our health and wellness and in addition be conscientious about getting necessary medical care.

For aging parents, a number of additional concerns come into play as well, frequently contributing to the choice to bypass doctor visits for seniors, even though it is clearly not in their best interest. Whenever an older adult digs in her heels, refusing to visit the doctor, it’s beneficial to first realize why the resistance is happening, to address those concerns, and be able to know how best to give support.

One of the most significant reasons older adults avoid healthcare appointments and procedures is fear. It might appear safer and simpler just to disregard symptoms and hope they will resolve themselves on their own. For other individuals, the worry may be financial. Or they might desire to steer clear of the distress of being reminded of a weight problem, or to acknowledge living an unhealthy lifestyle.

Regardless of the reason, the bottom line is that it’s very important for senior loved ones to address their health, which requires routine medical examinations and staying proactive in bringing to light any questions. So as an adult child, how do you best help address your parent’s resistance to seeing a doctor?

At Hillendale Home Care, we’ve found that one of the most successful strategies to persuade older adults to take care of themselves is through their adult children expressing what it means to them. Our parents have looked after us all of our lives, and would like what is best for us. Expressing your point of view can make a difference towards persuading them of the necessity of doctor visits for seniors, and subsequently encouraging them to stay healthy. For example, try starting the discussion like this:

“Mom, the pain you have been suffering from in your wrist is really concerning me. Can we go and have that looked at so that I will stop worrying?”

You may well be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your aging parent will agree, knowing that it helps you. Should you continue to struggle with helping your family member understand the need for proper medical care, turn to Hillendale Home Care, the leading provider of home health care in Walnut Creek and the surrounding areas.

We’re experienced in assisting families with navigating the frequently challenging transition to agree to help in the home, and quite often the recommendation of a professional, objective third party can make an enormous amount of difference in easing worries and moving the focus to the many advantages of both maintaining health care appointments and receiving in-home care. Contact us any time at 925-933-8181.