Today’s seniors are inundated with an incredible quantity of high-tech products geared toward increasing their independence and safety, while offering life enhancement. With the touch of a button or two, we can immediately pay a visit “in person” with family and friends through video conferencing, wear a necklace that takes action with emergency help when needed, and even remain safe from getting lost with specialized receptors adhered to clothes or shoes.

The issue becomes how to motivate older adults (and their family caregivers) to switch from a low-tech mindset to making use of all that is available to them, something that is a continual focus for us at Hillendale Home Care. AARP reports that only 7% of family caregivers are currently utilizing technology in their care, but that 71% are interested in technology that could make their daily caregiving tasks easier. Why is there such a significant gap between interest and usage of caregiving tech solutions?


There are a number of obstacles:

  • A perceived stigma. Many individuals view the use of specific technology, like medical alert jewelry, as equal to the loss of their independence.
  • Help. Troubleshooting issues with technology leads many seniors and their caregivers to give up on trying to get devices to work.
  • Lack of time. Finding the time and energy to learn and test something new is very difficult for families who are busy caring for their loved ones.


If you are open to incorporating healthcare technology into senior caregiving but are encountering any of these complications, call on Hillendale Home Care for assistance. Our skilled and patient caregivers can help conquer the technological obstructions by:

  • Making suggestions for technology that fits a senior loved one’s personality and challenges
  • Implementing and providing training on the most effective ways to use technology


Whether it is educating on how to enjoy software on a tablet device, or arranging for a personal medical alert system, our home care in Concord, CA and the surrounding communities can keep cherished older adults connected to friends and family, helping them enjoy life to the fullest. To learn more about the home care services Concord and surrounding area families trust, reach out to us any time at 925-933-8181.