Life is full of difficult conversations, and talking to a senior loved one about his need for home care services can certainly be one of them. It is difficult for many older adults to accept the idea of needing help or losing freedoms, and occasionally they can shut down and refuse to discuss it. To help families prepare for this conversation, Hillendale’s Pleasant Hill in home care experts have broken down some of the typical reasons for needing home care, and have developed some discussion prompts to help you more easily approach those conversations. If you attempt an approach and it doesn’t work, give it some time and try another; this process can take time.


Difficulty Getting Around the House

“Dad, I have some extra money, and I would love to find someone to help you with some of the bigger cleaning jobs at home like vacuuming and laundry. It would make me feel good to be able treat you.”


Difficulty Keeping Up with Medications

“I don’t know how you manage to keep all of those pills straight and take them on the right day. I’ve seen these medication dispensers that tell you when to take which medicines and even dispense the right dosage. Wouldn’t it be helpful to have one of those? I know someone who can help us get one.”


Messy House

“It seems like it’s been difficult for you to keep the house the way I know you like it. Can we talk about why this is happening and how I can help?”


Weight Loss

“Since Mom passed away, I’ve noticed that you’ve been losing weight. I want to make sure you’re eating right, and I think it might be beneficial to your health if we have someone help you with meal planning and preparation, even if it’s just for a little while.”


Talking to loved ones about the need for senior care services can often be hard, but you’re not alone. Hillendale Home Care’s professional team of caregivers can help you come up with the right ways to talk to seniors about home care. Contact the Pleasant Hill in home care experts at 925-933-8181 to learn more about our services and how we can help your loved ones.