It’s estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) that one type of lung disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), as a single cause of death, ranks as high as HIV/AIDS, following only coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and acute respiratory infection. Furthermore, a study by the World Bank and WHO found that COPD ranks 12th as a burden of disease; and within the next few years, it’s expected to be ranked 5th.

With so many people struggling with the challenges of COPD and other types of lung disease, Hillendale Home Care’s team wants to share information to help improve understanding of the disease to allow for the best possible care and treatment. Armed with knowledge, combined with dietary and lifestyle changes, those with COPD can live healthier and more active lives.


See if you can discern the lung disease facts vs. myths in the statements below.


Truth or Myth? COPD typically strikes older adults.

  • Myth. COPD usually first appears in middle age, mainly in smokers. The disease typically develops between 20 and 30 years after a person begins smoking.


Truth or Myth? Men are much more prone to develop COPD than women.

  • Myth. Although COPD was at one time considered to be a “man’s disease,” more women than men actually died of COPD beginning in the year 2000.


Truth or Myth? In the United States, COPD is one of the leading causes of disability.

  • Truth. The two main causes of disability in America that cause people to stop working are COPD and heart disease.


While these may be frightening facts, the good news is that lung disease such as COPD is treatable and very often preventable. Because the vast majority of COPD cases are directly related to smoking, the best way to avoid being stricken with COPD is to never smoke or to quit smoking.

Hillendale Home Care, experts providers of elder care Pleasant Hill and the surrounding areas depends on, is skilled and experienced in working with COPD patients and their family caregivers to help manage lung disease symptoms, to provide encouragement to quit smoking and live a healthier lifestyle, and to make sure that the home is safe and free from any harmful irritants. Call Hillendale Home Care any time at 925-933-8181 or contact us online for more lung disease resources or to schedule a free in-home consultation to learn more about our in-home care services.