How Home Care Helps Keep Seniors Safe at Night – A True Story

It was the middle of winter when Sara received a call from the hospital near her mother’s home.  One of the administrators was calling to inform her that her mother had been injured in a fall, but that she should make a full recovery.  Ever since that night, Sara has found it difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

She has a tendency to wake up shortly after midnight wondering whether her mother has fallen again, whether she tried to get up to use the bathroom and slipped out of bed. Even though Sara installed a few more cordless phones, Sara would stay awake worrying about her mother falling and not being able to reach a phone.

Aside from having her mother live with her, Sara does not know where to turn.  For Sara, the answer could be as simple as hiring home care services. This would allow her mother to have someone there to help her get out of bed and safely visit the bathroom if she needed to.

Like many other families who experience the same concerns about their elderly loved ones, Sara could benefit from any number of home care services that are available in her mother’s community.

If you are experiencing sleepless nights because you’re worried about an elderly loved one, look into home care services; you might be surprised by how affordable and how positive this level of care could be to help keep seniors safe while you get the rest you need.


If you have a loved one who could benefit from home care assistance in Pleasanton or the surrounding areas, contact the caregivers at Hillendale Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (925) 933-8181 for more information.