Each of us faces a number of critical crossroads in life, at which point the decisions we make will result in far-reaching effects. What career we choose. Who (or whether) to marry. Whether to have children or not. And as we grow older, another crucial decision has to be made: should we move into an assisted living environment to ensure we have whatever care is needed during our years of aging? Or is aging in place, in the comfort of home, a possibility?

As is true with any significant decision, the benefits and downsides of each option should be considered very carefully. Hillendale Home Care is here to help older adults and their loved ones better understand the available options for aging, so that the best decision can be made based on each person’s unique circumstances.

If you or a loved one is in the beginning stages of looking into a move due to aging issues, answering these questions can help:

  • Is cost a factor? Here are average costs for different senior living arrangements in the Contra Costa / Alameda county area:
    • Semi-private nursing home room: $300/day ($9,000/month)
    • Private nursing home room: $450/day ($13,500/month)
    • Assisted living facility: $4,500/month
    • Aging in place at home with an aide: $27 – $35/hour
  • Are you concerned about safety? Older adults with ongoing health concerns, difficulty with managing of activities of daily living (such as personal care, meal preparation, medication management, etc.) or who are dealing with cognitive limitations (such as with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia) will require a higher level of assistance.
  • What about socialization? Isolated, lonely seniors are at risk for a variety of serious health complications, like depression.
  • Is transportation a challenge? When it becomes unsafe for a senior to drive, alternate transportation solutions need to be investigated.
  • Is help needed with maintaining the home? Maintaining yard work, home repairs, and even daily housework can become challenging for older adults.


If these any of these questions raise a red flag, it might be a good time to seriously think about safe living arrangements. As you’re in that decision-making process, we’d love to talk with you to assist. In many cases, all of these issues as well as others can be resolved through professional in-home care services – allowing for aging in place right at home, where seniors are most comfortable.

We start with a free in-home consultation to determine each person’s unique needs, and then partner with families to create a personalized plan of care to ensure those needs are met.

Prior to making a decision that may be unalterable – like selling a home and moving into a nursing home or assisted living facility – contact Hillendale Home Care of Walnut Creek, CA at 925-933-8181 and allow us to share some ideas that can make aging in place at home a possibility.